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Vectoflow GmbH utilizes two in-house wind tunnels for conducting
calibration tests, with a third wind tunnel scheduled to be built in the USA in late
2025. The wide operating range of these wind tunnels allows us to calibrate various
types of probes, rakes and custom test devices under different flow conditions, from
incompressible subsonic to compressible transonic speeds.

Der Hochgeschwindigkeits-Windkanal ist ein atmosphärischer Windkanal mit offener Düse, der von einem 90-kW-Elektromotor angetrieben wird. Durch den Einsatz von
austauschbaren Austritsdüsen kann die Machzahl am Düsenaustritt von 0,012 bis 1,3 eingestellt werden. Um dies zu erreichen, werden je nach
Kalibrierungsanforderungen verschiedene Düsen mit Austrittsdurchmessern von 42, 54, 75 und 100 verwendet. Die Strömungsqualität entlang der Kalibrierzone wird
durch vier Siebe und ein Gleichrichter in der Beruhigungskammer sowie durch Düsen mit hohen Kontraktionsverhältnissen sichergestellt. Im Falle der 42-mm-Düse beträgt
das Kontraktionsverhältnis fast 200! Der gesamte Kalibrierungsprozess erfolgt automatisch mit Fernsteuerung und -überwachung, wodurch Effizienz und Genauigkeit durchgehend gewährleistet sind.

- Geschwindigkeitsbereich: 4 m/s - 445 m/s (ISA)
- Machzahl: 0,012 - 1,3
- Sondenausrichtung: ± 160^° Gier- und ± 180^° Nick- Winkel
- Ferngesteuertes Traversensystem
- Genauigkeit der Traversenpositionierung: 0,05°
- Genauigkeit der Druckmessung: 0,05% des Skalenendwertes
- Kalibrierungszertifikat wird mitgeliefert.

Wenn Ihre Anwendung die Kalibrierung höherer Machzahlen erfordert, können Sie
sich gerne an uns wenden, da wir über ein großes Netzwerk von Super- und

Hyperschall-Kalibrierungseinrichtungen verfügen, mit denen wir regelmäßig zusammenarbeiten.

Low-speed wind tunnel:

The low-speed wind tunnel is a newly designed calibration facility by Vectoflow GmbH that offers exceptional accuracy in airflow characteristics and probe
positioning. Like the high-speed wind tunnel, it is an open-circuit wind tunnel operating under atmospheric pressure. This wind tunnel is specifically designed for
calibration at low air speeds and can operate within a Mach number range of 0 to 0.3. The large diameter of the nozzle at the exit plane allows for calibrating large headed
probes without any concerns of blockage. In addition to a remotely controlled traverse system, this wind tunnel is equipped with a rig leveling system that provides
the utmost accuracy in probe positioning.
  • Speed range: 0 m/s – 103 m/s (ISA)
  • Mach number: 0 – 1.3
  • Probe orientation: yaw and pitch
  • Remotely controlled traverse system
  • Rig leveling system

High-speed wind tunnel:

The high-speed wind tunnel is an open-jet, atmospheric wind tunnel powered by a 90 kW electric motor. Implementing an interchangeable-nozzle design, the flow Mach number at the nozzle exit can be set from 0.012 to 1.3. To achieve this, different nozzles with exit diameters of 42, 54, 75, and 100 are used according to the
calibration requirements. Flow quality along the calibration zone is ensured by taking advantage of four screens and a honeycomb in the settling chamber, and nozzles with high contraction ratios. In the case of the 42-mm nozzle, the contraction ratio is nearly 200! The whole calibration process is done automatically with remote control
and monitoring, guaranteeing efficiency and accuracy throughout.
  • Speed range: 4 m/s – 445 m/s (ISA)
  • Mach number: 0.012 – 1.3
  • Probe orientation: yaw and pitch
  • Remotely controlled traverse system
  • Traverse positioning accuracy:
  • Pressure measurement accuracy: 0.05% full scale
  • Calibration certificate is included.

Thermal wind tunnel:

Variation of flow temperature with Mach number can be an issue for calibration of flow sensors, especially if in the real application, temperature is influenced by other
thermodynamic factors and can vary independently of the Mach number. For such applications it is important to calibrate a probe for different temperatures while
maintaining constant Mach number, and vice versa. Through its continuous advancements in calibration technology, Vectoflow GmbH is committed to addressing
this issue by introducing its thermal wind tunnel. This wind tunnel will be capable of keeping a constant temperature of airflow in the range of 283 to 323 Kelvin, with an
accuracy of 0.1 K. The isothermal conditions can be established at various Mach numbers ranging from 0 to 0.95. With the detailed design phase nearing completion,
construction and operation of the wind tunnel are planned for late 2025.


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S Suite 1550
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